Our 1994 Burley Duet was clearly not going to be adequate for the challenge of Everest Challenge. It was actually a great bike, hitting the sweet spot of being relatively affordable and a very capable tandem. Going cheaper than the Duet, and you may not get a bike capable of serious rides, and spending more you're heading into an ever steepening curve of dimishing returns.
But at 50lbs, with 48 spoked wheels that needed rebuilt, 7 speed gearing, and braking that at best could be described as suspect, the 14 year old Burley was clearly too long in the tooth to stand up to EC.
But the good news, This was clearly a buying opportunity!
But at 50lbs, with 48 spoked wheels that needed rebuilt, 7 speed gearing, and braking that at best could be described as suspect, the 14 year old Burley was clearly too long in the tooth to stand up to EC.
But the good news, This was clearly a buying opportunity!
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